My teaching mantra: Keep it simple. Make it fun.

Who am I?

My teaching expertise is in the areas of applied environment and development economics, behavioural science and public policy, health economics and policy, and quantitative methods (causal inference). I am currently the Professional Education Lead of the Policy Institute at King's College London/

I have won the LSE 2022 Excellence in Class Teaching Award,  LSE 2021 Class Teacher Award and LSE 2020 Highly Commended Class Teacher Award for my teaching practices. I have also received two teaching innovation grants during my time at VU Amsterdam, enabling me to set-up a VR Lab which I lead.

What do I currently teach?

Module Convenor, Health Economics, MSc in Health and Social Care (2025 Lent Term)

Module Convenor, Economic Analysis of Public Policy, UK Policy Leadership Program @King's (Summer 2025)

FCDO Development Course (Lecture on "Climate & Development") (Michaelmas 2024/Lent 2025)

Statistical Methods for Causal Inference (in VU Amsterdam Summer School).

My professional developments?

I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). I also hold a Dutch University Teaching Qualification (BKO).

I have completed the External Examiners Professional Development Course by the UK Advance HE and I am registered as available for external examining.

Previous Positions Held

From 2022-2024 (Nov), I was affiliated to the Institute for Environmental Studies at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam as an Assistant Professor. Here I was a lecturer on the following modules:

Academic Writing Skills (2022, 2023) as a Course Lecturer.

Sustainable Energy Systems (2022, 2023) as a Course Coordinator and Lecturer.

Methods for Economic Analysis (2023, 2024) as a Course Coordinator and Lecturer.

Behavioural Public Policy (2023 Winter) as Course Founder and Coordinator and Lecturer.

Statistical Methods of Causal Inference as Course Founder and Coordinator and co-Lecturer with Jack Fitzgerald.

From 2019-2022, I was affiliated to the Department of Geography and Environment at the London School of Economics and Political Science as a Lead Teaching Assistant.  Here I served on the following committees:

LSE Research Degree Sub-Committee (LSE RDSC), 

Departmental Graduate Teaching Committee  (DGTC)

G&E Examination Sub-board.

In the past, I have been responsible for teaching in the following courses

GY121: Sustainable Development (Lent Term 2021, 2022): I have been responsible for managing other GTAs on the course, designing and leading class teaching.

GY222: Applied Environmental Economics (Lent Term 2018, Michaelmas Term, 2021, Lent Term 2022). I designed and led class teaching.

GY329: Applied Economics of Environment and Development (Lent Term 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022). I have been responsible for course redesign along with Dr. Charles Palmer. Delivered Methods Lecture and led class teaching.

GY428: Applied Quantitative Methods (Michaelmas Term 2019, 2020, 2021). I have been responsible for designing and delivering class teaching with statistical software (Stata).

EC240: Environmental Economics (Summer Term 2019, 2021). I have been responsible for teaching classes in the LSE Summer School.

Other Assistant Examiner Duties

GY209: The Economics of Trade, Production and Development and 

GY473: Economic Development and the Environment

MSc / PhD supervision

Supervised to completion (as primary supervisor):

2020/21: LSE Change Makers Research Supervision -- Ms. Aleksandra Furmanek (UG2, LSE Economics); Ms. Kristina Sosnina (PGT, LSE Management); 2021/22: LSE Change Makers Research Supervision -- Ms. Celine Mano (UG3, LSE Economics & Statistics), Ms. Aleksandra Furmanek (UG3, LSE Economics)

MSc Supervision (primary, in alphabetical order):  Mr. Jeannot Peijen (MSc Env & Res. Management, VU Amsterdam),  Mr. Vikram Jolly (MSc Urban Env. Management, Wageningen University), Ms. Marleen Jonge (MSc Climate Econometrics, VU Amsterdam), Ms. Jennifer Kraaijeveld (MSc Env & Res. Management, VU Amsterdam), Ms. Louska Lampe (MSc Env & Res. Management, VU Amsterdam), Ms. Jet Mensinga (MSc Env & Res. Management, VU Amsterdam).

PhD Supervision: Ms. Leonie Peiffer (VU-IVM, 2022-2026, PhD Environmental Economics, co-promoter, discontinued in November 2023), Mr. Marjan Nikoloski (VU-IVM, 2022-2026, PhD Environmental Economics, co-promoter), Mr. Ivar Maas (VU-IVM, 2022-2026, PhD in Environmental Economics, co-promoter), Ms. Marta Buso (VU-IVM, 2024-2028, PhD in Environmental Economics, co-promoter), Mr. Daniele Stampatori (Comillas Pontificia & VU IVM, 2024-2028, PhD in Energy and Behavioural Economics, co-promoter)

PhD Examination Committee: Çağla Çınar (VU-IVM, PhD Psychology, Fall 2023); Quang Duc Pham (IE Business School, PhD Marketing, Fall 2024)

I can bring my teaching to your class. If you'd like me to bring in some fun computer simulations, role plays, case brief discussions to your lecture or class teaching, please reach out to me here