Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
J20. Sanchayan, Banerjee (2025). Meat taxes are inevitable yet we seem to shy away from them. But why?. Food Policy, 130, 102787. doi: 10.1016/j.foodpol.2024.102787
J19. Sanchayan, Banerjee., & Ferreira, A. (2024). Virtual Reality is Only Mildly Effective in Improving Forest Conservation Behaviors. Scientific Reports. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-78970-7
J18. Sanchayan, Banerjee., & Veltri, G.A. (2024). Harnessing pluralism in behavioural public policy requires insights from computational social science. Frontiers in Behavioural Economics. doi: 10.3389/frbhe.2024.1503793
J17. Sanchayan, Banerjee., & Galizzi, M.M. (2024). People are different and so should be behavioural interventions. Behavioural Economics Guide 2024.
J16. Sanchayan, Banerjee., & Dold, M. (2024). Kahneman's Tryst with Reasonableness: A Tease Unfulfilled?. Behavioural Public Policy. doi: 10.1017/bpp.2024.37
J15. Gerver, M., Banerjee, Sanchayan, John, P., (2024). Nudging against consent is effective but lowers welfare. Scientific Reports. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-65122-0
J14. Banerjee Sanchayan, Zimmermann L, Hortal A, et al. (2024). Recent developments in Behavioural Public Policy: IBPPC 2022. Behavioural Public Policy. Published online 2024:1-6. doi: 10.1017/bpp.2024.12
J13. Banerjee, Sanchayan., Grune-Yanoff, T., John, P., Moseley, A. (2024). It's time we put agency in behavioural public policy. Behavioural Public Policy. doi: 10.1017/bpp.2024.6
J12. Sanchayan Banerjee, Peter John, Brendan Nyhan, Andrew Hunter, Richard Koenig, Blake Lee-Whiting, Peter John Loewen, John McAndrews, Manu Savani. (2024). Thinking about default enrollment lowers vaccination intentions and public support in G7 countries, PNAS Nexus, pgae093, doi: 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgae093
J11. Thamer, P., Banerjee, Sanchayan, John, P. (2024). Reflection after nudging improves uptake of plant-based diets: A field experiment in a German university cafeteria. Environmental Research Communications. doi: 10.1088/2515-7620/ad2625
J10. Ghai, S., & Banerjee, Sanchayan. (2024). The future of experimental design: Integrative, but is the sample diverse enough? Behavioral and Brain Sciences. doi: 10.1017/S0140525X23002212
J9. Richard Koenig, Manu Savani, John McAndrews, Blake Lee-Whiting, Sanchayan Banerjee, Andrew Hunter, Peter John, Peter John Loewen, & Brendan Nyhan. (2024). Public support for more stringent vaccine policies increases with vaccine effectiveness. Scientific Reports. doi: 10.1038/s41598-024-51654-y
J8. Banerjee, Sanchayan, Galizzi, M.M., John, P., & Mourato, S., (2023). Reflection before a nudge improves sustainable dietary choices in an online experiment. Nature Sustainability. doi: 10.1038/s41893-023-01235-0
J7. Banerjee, Sanchayan, Galizzi, M.M., John, P., & Mourato, S., (2023). Immediate backfire? nudging sustainable food choices and psychological reactance. Food Quality and Preference. doi: 10.1016/j.foodqual.2023.104923
J6. Banerjee, Sanchayan., & Picard, J. (2023). Thinking through norms can make them more effective. Experimental evidence on reflective climate policies in the UK. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. doi: 10.1016/j.socec.2023.102024
J5. Banerjee, Sanchayan., Jambrina-Canseco, B., Brundu-Gonsalez, B., Gordon, J., & Carr, J. (2023; accepted). Nudge or not, university teachers have mixed feelings about online teaching. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. doi: 10.1057/s41599-023-01691-1
J4. Banerjee, Sanchayan., & Mitra, S (2023). Behavioural public policies for the Social Brain. Behavioural Public Policy. doi: 10.1017/bpp.2023.15
J3. Banerjee, Sanchayan., Galizzi, M.M., Hortala-Vallve, R. (2021) Trusting the Trust Game: An External Validity Analysis with a UK Representative Sample. Games, 12, 66. doi: 10.3390/g12030066
J2. Banerjee, Sanchayan., Savani, M., & Shreedhar, G. (2021) Public support for ‘soft’ versus ‘hard’ public policies: Review of the evidence'. Journal of Behavioral Public Administration. pp. 1 – 37. doi: 10.30636/jbpa.42.220
J1. Banerjee, Sanchayan., & John, P. (2021). Nudge plus: Incorporating reflection into behavioural public policy. Behavioural Public Policy. doi: 10.1017/bpp.2021.6
Chapters in Edited Handbooks
C5. Banerjee, Sanchayan & Galizzi, M.M. (2024). "Behavioural Public Policy for global challenges" in Forsher, P and Schmidt, M (eds). A better how: notes on developmental meta-research. vol 1. Busara
C4: Banerjee, Sanchayan., Savani, M., & Shreedhar, G. (2024). “Do the public support ‘hard’ or ‘soft’ public policies? Trends during Covid-19 and implications for the future." in Galizzi. M.M and Costa-Fost. J (eds) Behavioural Economics and Policy for Pandemics. vol 1. Cambridge University Press
C3: Banerjee, Sanchayan., & John, Peter. (2023). “Nudge+: Putting Citizens at the heart of Behavioural Public Policy" in Reisch. L and Susntein. C.R (eds) Research Handbook on Nudges & Society. Edward Elgar Publishing. doi: 10.4337/9781035303038
C2: Banerjee, Sanchayan., & John, Peter. (2023). “Nudge and Nudging in Public Policy" in Gerven. M, Rothmayr-Allison. C and Schubert. K (eds) Encyclopedia of Public Policy. Springer. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-90434-0_52-1
C1. Banerjee, Sanchayan. (2021) “Rethinking the Origin of the Behavioural Policy Cube with Nudge Plus.” in Mahalia. V (ed) Behavioural Based Interventions for Improving Public Policies, vol. 1, IGI Global Publishers, Chapter 1. doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2731-3.ch001
Selected Blogs
B6. Banerjee, Sanchayan. (2023). A political economy of behavioural public policy - review. LSE Blog. See here.
B5: Banerjee, Sanchayan & John, P (2022). To nudge plus or nudge+. A dilemma. Behavioural Public Policy Blog. See here
B4. Banerjee, Sanchayan., Savani, M., & Shreedhar, G. (2021). The public have supported ‘hard’ policy measures, but will they still do so when the pandemic is over? LSE COVID-19. See here
B3. Banerjee, Sanchayan. (2020). Can Nudge Plus help us encourage sustainable pro-social behaviour change? Behavioural Insights in Higher Education, King's College London. See here
B2. Banerjee, Sanchayan. (2020). Popular Paternalism: Has a Pandemic turned people towards authoritarianism? Behavioural Public Policy Blog. See here
B1. Banerjee, Sanchayan. (2020). Reviving reciprocity to tackle behavioural anomalies during COVID19. Observer Research Foundation. See here